Auto Repair Manual Please Note: Listing is for ONE manual, it is NOT for all the Manuals in the Photo. The Manual is as described in the Title of this Listing. Condition: Manual may have some wear, tear and stains, but all pages are present and readable. Please e-mail with any questions about the manual. You can return the manual if you are not pleased with it. Thank you for looking! We aim to ship the same or next day after payment is received. Quite often, however, it may be 2-3 days before your item is shipped, because of order backlog and other responsibilities. If you require it packed same day/next day, please send e-mail, we will do our best to accommodate you, our valuable customer. With special packaging, if it is being shipped USPS media mail or USPS parcel post, or if the shipping distance is great, several days may pass before you receive your package. We do not usually ship on weekends, as the Post Office here is open only for 15 minutes on Saturday. We ship internationally, but you should verify the shipping cost before looking, as the overseas shipping cost, as listed, is only an estimate and may not be accurate. International buyder, please include your phone number, as customs may need to call you to release your package. If the item is used, we will mark it as "used" on the customs form. We reserve the right to CANCEL or FULFILL a transaction with an international buyder with zero (0) feedback. ALL sales to China, Greece, Cyprus and Ukraine will go insured and/or signature required. Do not pay until invoice is received. We reserve the right to CANCEL any sale to China, Greece, Cyprus and Ukraine, and any other country. Please send e-mail with any questions. Thank You for Looking and Happy Shopping! *** Check out the legal affairs game: COURTROOM - learn how to use Rules of Evidence (Hearsay, Irrelevant, etc.) and judges decide what's admissible. *** *** Visit the talking picture dictionary in many languages: WORD-PAL - see translations of braille, fingerspelling, Chinese, British/American English. *** *** Sponsor your own rising tennis star: VALERIA - be there as court history unfolds! ***